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Review Of New National Geographic Online Photo Store

A press representative from Pictopia sent me an announcement today about the company powering a new photo store with National Geographic. It's really cool. You can order high-quality shots of the wild and far things that the magazine is famous for to display in your home. Read my review here.

My First Radio Appearance Was Earth Shaking!

Last night I made my first radio appearance on The David Lawrence Show. Forty minutes into it we were discussing DRM and my apartment started shaking. It was a 4.2 earthquake that was centered in the East Bay. Needless to say, it disrupted my train of thought and I wasn't all that articulate about BitTorrent in the ensuing conversation. Which I think was okay.

Now, I'm a native Californian so I'm used to earthquakes but it still takes me awhile to regain my ground, pun intended, afterwards. But I was able to finish the show thankfully, in time for my mother's "Why do you live in San Francisco!?" lecture.

Anyway, thanks to David for being so patient with me and my earthquake, and kudos to the rest of you here in the Bay Area who rocked out with me!

I’m Losing - But I’m SO OK With That…

valleywag.jpgSo I was nominated as a Techbabe this week on Valleywag. My parents are so proud! (That's sarcasm, by the way. They were actually more like, "What is this???") Anyway, I was winning hands-down the first few days until a Miss Kristin Reilly of Digital Trends came out of the woodworks and took the lead. I guess her parents are out-voting my parents, which is fine. Take it away girl!

Now I’ve Seen Everything!

Social networks for potato chips????
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kettle.jpgOkay, it's official; there's now a social networking site for everything, even potato chips. A week or so ago I got an email from the Kettle Foods mailing list (it's best if you don't ask why I'm on a potato chip mailing list), announcing The Neighborhood, a place for Kettle Chips fans to share recipes, come up with flavor ideas, map the locations where one can find a favorite flavor of chips, and—of course!—write a profile, take quizzes, and all that other wonderful Web 2.0 gobbledygook.

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Quotations Book Is Good But “Where’s The Beef?”

appscout.jpgI recently reviewed a new "social network" called Quotations Book. Read the review here.