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TeXtra Episode 71

1249895035_45076706b3.jpgHere it is!

I really don't understand this BET story. Maybe I'm just not cool enough? I don't know.

We changed the lighting on the set a bit. I really like it! Enjoy!

Natali’s Birthday Resolutions (Involving my online persona anyway…)

I've been really crappy at posting to this blog. But no more! My birthday is tomorrow and it is time for me to be more consistent! I hereby resolve to be better at:

1. Social networking...yes, even MySpace.

2. Posting links to my freelance stories.
Such as the following WIRED article by yours truly.

3. Attending Silicon Valley events.

4. Answering emails in a more timely fashion.

5. Stop drinking so many Starbucks chai tea lattes! Oh wait, this is about tech.

Happy Birthday to me!

Under The Radar Conference

pcmaglogo.jpgI was invited to the Under The Radar conference at the Microsoft Mountain View campus today. I was only able to attend the first half of the day because I am off to watch the Giants in Spring Training this weekend with my father. (Go Giants!)

Nevertheless, the first half of the conference was good. I liked the scheduling apps WAY better than all the wiki presentations. Note to presenters: when you say "the distinguishing feature of our application is our user interface," it essentially means, "We did what everyone else does, but we think we made it a little more aesthetically pleasing." Yawn!

See my coverage for PC Magazine here.

Bum Rush The Charts


This is a cool movement. Make sure you participate next Thursday, March 22! Click here to watch a TeXtra promo for Bum Rush The Charts!

Silicom Valley Ventures Event

I went to a VC event last night where there was a keynote given by Shai Agassi, president of product technology at SAP. It was mostly about enterprise technology, which is a space that I don't cover, but there was some interesting parts. I'm glad I went. See my write-up here.