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Sex And The City: I'm Sorry, I Had To

I just got home from the theater where I watched the new Sex and the City movie. It was better than I expected so I decided to wax poetic about it. I'm sorry but I'm inspired and I just have to go with it. Don't worry, I didn't take away any kind of have-optimism-about-your-love-life lessons.

First off, the tech in the movie is both comical and perplexing. In one of the early scenes Carrie is looking for a phone to make a frantic call. Samantha hands her an iPhone and she goes, "No, I don't know how to use this." Later, she is pulling what looks like a MacBook Pro towards her but I got a look at the power supply and there was no MagSafe power port. It was the old round power connection. All MacBooks have had MagSafe since 2006. Is it possible that Carrie Bradshaw has all of the latest fashion accessories whilst still using a G4? How can this be? The MacBook promo for the movie specifically states that she uses a MacBook Pro. What am I missing here? I need to buy the movie so I can take a closer look. Maybe my eyes deceived me but I don't think they did.

Second, I realized that I am more fashionable than I give myself credit for. In one scene Charlotte wears a beautiful high-wasted pink skirt with a large sewn-in belt. I have that skirt in black! In another scene, Carrie wears thigh-high knit socks with a skirt and a jacket. I have those socks! I guess I am getting the hang of this fashion thing after all! Kudos to my good friend Nathalee and Billion Dollar Babes!

My third and final revelation about this movie, which I realize a lot of people will find frivolous, is that I have been experiencing New York! I have lived in the Big Apple for a little over four months and I will admit I am not always happy to be here. I miss San Francisco and I know that this city isn't where I am supposed to ultimately put down roots but when I do leave someday, I want to look back on my time here and feel as if I experienced New York. Watching this movie, I realized, I am doing that! Carrie and Big have their rehearsal dinner at Buddakhan. I've eaten there with friends. She goes shopping across from Scoop in the West Village where I bought some fairly fantastic jeans. They have their wedding night dinner at Spice Market where I have also been. The fact that I not only recognize but have been to these places that are notable enough to make it in this iconic movie, tells me that I am making the most of my time here in New York City! I realized that I shouldn't worry so much about whether I shouldn't have moved here or if I am not taking advantage of the city. Now I know that I won't have any regrets. Except maybe eating popcorn and Reese's Pieces for dinner. Actually no, I don't regret that either.

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Reader Comments (11)

I really enjoyed the movie too.

Did you notice that there was some sort of metallic tape on Carrie's pink phone? What was that about?

June 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMarisol

Living in Washington DC, I felt that way about "Live Free or Die Hard" hard last year-(no seriously.) At the end, when I had picked out the 20 or so things they had gotten wrong about our Nations Cap. I realized "I have really become a townie over these last 5 years."

Good work on Buzz Out Loud today as well :)

June 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFrank L

Oh I wish I went with you! I hope to go this weekend!

June 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSarah Meyers

Wow, your third revelation about the movie reminds me of how much I haven't experienced in the city. I've lived in NY all my life and I have been to a lot of venues, but none of the ones you mentioned, lol. Granted I live on Long Island and not in Manhattan, but I'm only a few minutes away. Looks like I have a new goal this summer, lol.

June 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStephen

I wouldn't necessarily use Sex and the City as the standard of determining whether you're really having fun or experiencing life in New York City, but you definitely should be having fun. You've been given [and earned] a very unique opportunity to come to the Big Apple to work [and have fun too] that many people would jump at in a heartbeat. Being homesick is fine. Everyone gets homesick.

The pain comes when you compare -- this or that is not like it is in San Francisco. Of course not, they're different cities with different personalities. When you start enjoying NYC for NYC (like those crazy women), then you'll start having fun. How miserable I would have been in San Francisco if I'd thought of NYC all the time... my knees wouldn't be hurting in NYC so much if the streets were more level... What's up with the fog? We don't have fog in NYC like this... our Apple Store is much bigger than theirs... ack! I didn't -- I loved San Francisco like I loved being from and in NYC. Someday I'd like to go back too -- and if someone offered me a cool job... I'll start singing "I left my heart..."

And speaking of jobs... jeez, CNET... CBS... someone, please give Natali a raise! She's living on popcorn and Reeses pieces!!!

June 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJef in NYC

Thank you so much for the Sex and the City tech tips! I know I'm going to be attending this in a couple of weeks - now, at least I have a few things to look out for ;-)

June 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSimon Brocklehurst

nice review!

I woudl say it feels pretty the same on the other side of Atlantic :)

June 9, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteraxinia

I'm a dude and for some reason I get a lot of flak for HATING this series. And no it's not because I don't 'get it' and it's not sexism. I swear if someone claims that one more time I'm going to hammerfist their nose into their face hahaha Ok so maybe that doesn't help my stance here hahaha But I gotta say for the love of all things that aren't full of shit, please please PLEASE do not use this movie as a basis for anything other than the bubble gum trite nonsensical look at modern day air head shallow business women who haven't a soul or original thought in their heads. I pray that this is just an egregious representation of the female side of the race. I's just a movie and meant as entertainment, but it's's just plain gross. Spoiled rotten, soulless, cliche, neurotic sluts for 2+ hours on screen is being defended like it's the tome of femininity. This plastic new world has gotta melt... If this is what people claim as 'what every girl is thinking and its about time it's been focussed on and brought on screen successfully' then I give up. I tend to think of women in quite a higher light than this.

I mean really this is almost as insulting as saying Andrew Dice Clay and Howard Stern are the male representation of what goes on inside every guys head.

Have fun with it, but goddamn don't define your life experiences around it. You're so much better than that!

Plus you shouldn't just go somewhere because you think it's what you should be doing. Go where you want to go and where you're interested. The smallest tiniest most useless jazz club nook in the middle of New York might mean the world to someone, but instead could just be a place for a drunk homeless guy to piss before he falls asleep in a dumpster haha...

BTW I commend your bravery to both a) say you're not staying in a place where they are giving you plenty of air time and are respected at a large company, and b) to actually make that decision so assuredly. That my dear is far cooler than any 2+ hour slop fest on screen!

And yes...I get to say 'my dear' to you like this cuz I'm 2 days older than you. That makes me wise and such and such... ;) hahahaha j/k

Goddamn 30 is just around the corner eh? Yikes...

June 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDennis

What's even more weird? Last year, I was watching I am Legend at one of the theaters in Time Square. Seeing Time Square with grass and empty. Then you come out of the theater and you see the exact same Time Square with people. That was a weird feeling.

Hope you give more time living in NYC. I lived here for over 18 years and I still haven't experienced everything here. It was last month , for the first time, I went to Liberty Island, Ellis Island, and other tourist attractions. If I didn't be the guide for my aunt from Singapore, I wouldn't know how much longer before I go to those places!

It's funny that you are watching the movie noticing all the tech flaws. I thought you are suppose to enjoy the movie since it's fictional. Guess that's something only a geek girl would notice. =p

June 20, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterexcalipoor

I find it really amusing you noticed the power adapter.

Apparently I'm one of the 6% of guys that saw the film (someone told me that stat, don't know if it's true). Unlike Dennis, I loved the show.

Movie was great, and probably one of the best movie watching experiences with hordes of dressed up girls reacting to everything on screen. Amazing.

July 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJoey



July 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChuck

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