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CNBC Power Lunch and Breakfast

As promised, my segment from yesterday's CNBC Power Lunch is here. This piece is about Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG). I'll admit, I don't play MMOs but CNBC asked me to come on to explain this for the non-gamer. I hope I did this genre of gamers justice despite the fact that I stumbled over the acronym a little in the beginning and got the name of Curt Schilling's gaming company wrong. I confused it with my friend's party promotion company in San Francisco. D'oh! Anyway, I hope you enjoy a little Power Lunch. I'm going to go find myself some power breakfast now.

Reader Comments (2)

Hey, where did all the commenters go?

I've never played or participated in a "MMORPG", nor would I even know how to pronounce it. But I can understand their purpose and addictiveness. As a former chatroom chatter, spending endless nights watching lines of scrolling text coming from equally anonymous and insomniacal people from around the world, it makes sense to just give them a sword and a persona to go fight the occasional dragon.

Unfortunately, unlike chat, it's not free. Maybe that's a good thing!

April 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJef in NYC

Hi Natali,

What a GREAT blog!

I live in the UK, so missed your ‘Power Lunch’ segment when it went live; thanks for the link! I find it amazing that people can spend so many hours 'playing' in a virtual world - when there are so many possibilities to explore in the REAL world.

What makes this truly amazing for me, is that the MMORPG players I have spoken to, are intelligent and (despite what the media says) friendly and outgoing too.

All the very best Natali,

Jim Connolly
The Ideas Blog

May 3, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjimconnolly

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