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Loaded En Español

Muchisimas gracias to everyone who wrote me encouraging sentiments about my Univision post last week. That post was somewhat of a catharsis and after I published it, I resolved to keep giving this my very best and not give the naysayers a second thought. So that's what I did!

On Thursday we taped the third weekly news show for Univision and you can find it here. I am feeling increasingly confident about the show but I do see a parallel between my learning curve hosting in English and my learning curve hosting in Spanish. For those of you who watched TeXtra in the early days, you know it wasn't always pretty. I cringe when I watch those first 20 (okay 40) episodes because I looked so serious and terrified, which to be honest, I was. In fact, I'd much rather watch myself in Spanish on Univision than watch those early deer-in-headlights episodes of TeXtra.

Anyway, onward and upward! We don't have an RSS feed for this Univision show yet but we will soon. I'll post it when it is ready. For now, I hope you are enjoying La Uniclave Tecnología with or without my videos. The site is really so great and I'm so proud of CNET and Univision for putting it together.

¡Buen fin de semana!

Reader Comments (11)

Got to admit I stopped watching TeXtra after a few episodes, Natali. You just didn't look to be enjoying it. When I joined in again a couple of months before you finished there it was much better. Now I wouldn't miss you on anything.

March 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAntgrad

I, for one, am happy to see that Natali has risen above the flamers for the umpteenth time in her career. Unfortunately, I have to admit that I liked Textra better than Loaded.

Textra just had more Natali-ness to me: quirkier stories not covered elsewhere and more interesting commentary on the popular stories. That was the show’s value to me. Loaded is closer to the newsmodel-reads-tech-news format which is the very antithesis of Natali’s previous manifesto!

March 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEdward Dinovo

I've been watching since you were on cranky geeks & the first textra, its pretty cool to see how much better you've gotten, although I did like textra at the time too.

March 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNanda

I like both Textra and Loaded,I think natali has done fine job with both productions.But I have to admit she look more sexy and relax with Textra. But I'm sure in time when she does more shows with Loaded,she will be more relaxed,and sexy with Loaded. Robert

March 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRobert

I really dont have much to say other than... Wow! you continue to grow up and be one of the best webcast host´s (and producer) around :)


March 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMarco

La verdad es que si te salio bien chido. Osea, es la primera vez que te escucho hablar en espanol, y si los sabes bien. Sigue le dando duro y veras que vaz a llegar asia riba! just keep up the good work! really, its coming along pretty good!! well textra is missed and don't say it wasn't always pretty..... nervousness comes with the territory, trust me. take care nat.

April 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJuan N.

Im sooooo proud of you =o)!!!!


April 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAugie

Hola, sinceramente me gusto la idea que tuvieron cnet y univision en proporcionar un canal de tecnologia en español, y mucha mas el que te aigan dejado ati de conductora de Loaded en español. Pienso que lo haces muy bien y aunque si recuerdo tus primeros programas en Textra, no debes preocuparte que en esta ocacion no te ves nerviosa y no hagas caso de las personas negativas. Saludos


April 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTiko

With all due respect, although I admire the fact that you didn't lose your spanish growing up, I am not a fan of studios, such as univision, giving hosting roles to people who haven't perfected the language. This could be a mere pet peeve of mine, but you have to admit you sport celebrity status in the tech world and I don't think it's too far off to think that this helped you land this gig.

Having said that, I doubt univision will be suggesting a new host, and that's fine with me. In fact wish you luck, but I encourage you to practice your spanish more often if you plan on doing this for a while. The more practice you get with the language off the set, the more confident you'll sound on it. If you know someone understands it, speak it, and ask them to correct you if they notice you said something wrong.

That's my two cents. I'll probably get a lot of heat for my criticism, but understand this is just an opinion. In fact, I'm glad you didn't use spanglish which is just... nevermind.

Good luck.

April 9, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterqbix

Hello Natali,

Just want to let you know I too was enjoying TeXtra and sad to hear the show ended. But after watching Cali Lewis' latest podcast, I am so glad to hear you have a new show on CNet TV. I just subscribed to it and I will be sure to recommend it to my friends. Keep up the good work :)

April 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSakura

Hola Sr. Natali vivo en cerca de Barcelona y estoy encantado de la forma encantadora de presentar los productos y las nueva tecnologías , la verdad es una dulzura y todo un encanto . Es una forma encantador de ver lo nuevo que hay en el mercado me encantaría si hay alguna forma de ver los vídeos en español para estar al día de lo que sale en las colonias de América
Tengo la camara samsung nv24hd es una pasada y en Barcelona en sus calles la he probado estoy muy encantado con ella me gustaria saber mas sobre esta cámara y de fotografía
un saludo . gracias

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDon. Manuel

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